Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Howdy from HOW!

Hunter Online Weekly – Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is Hunter Online Weekly?

A. HOW is an experimental new project that will deliver news about the community to the community—students, faculty, and parents. HOW is a weekly email containing the upcoming week's activities, events, and other important information.

Q. How does HOW work?

A. Members of the Hunter community submit announcements to HunterOnlineWeekly@gmail.com by 4pm each Saturday. Information is categorized and emailed to students, faculty, and parents the afternoon.

Q. Why do we need HOW?

A. Have you ever missed a bake sale or luncheon because you didn’t see the signs posted in the hallway? Or find out too late about a contest, audition, guest speaker, or extracurricular? Well, maybe you haven’t, but some people have! HOW will gather all of the information contained on the signs posted throughout the hallways of Hunter and deliver it directly to your inbox every week. Signs can still be put up, but if the information is also submitted to HOW it will reach a larger audience, save paper, and be easily accessible at a later date.

Q. How is information organized in HOW?

A. Information will be arranged by topic (clubs, sports, publications, G.O., etc.). If there is grade-specific information, that will be reflected as well.

Q. How do I make sure I receive HOW?

A. HOW will be sent to faculty email addresses. 7th – 9th grade students will receive HOW at their HCHS email addresses and 10th – 12th grade students will also receive at the email addresses they use to access Naviance. Parents will receive HOW through the PTA list-serve. Please see the Hunter website to learn how to forward email from HCHS email accounts to personal email accounts.

Q. Can I find HOW anywhere else?

A. There will be a link to a HOW blog on the HCHS website (COMING SOON!).

Q. Why is HOW being launched at the end of the school year?

A. The Hunter Life Committee has been discussing the issue of communication all year and HOW is an outgrowth of those discussions. Since HOW is starting in May, we will be able to hit the ground running in the fall so that new students will begin to learn about Hunter’s many opportunities right away. If we wait until the fall to begin HOW, it might get lost in the excitement and activity of the new school year.

Q. Isn’t this going to be a big job?

A. Not if everyone contributes! Hopefully students and faculty members will submit a ton of announcements and information to HunterOnlineWeekly@gmail.com and we won’t have to do a lot of legwork to gather it. We will simply copy and paste your announcement into the HOW email newsletter.

Q. What does the Hunter Life Committee have to do with this?

A. A few Hunter Life Committee members were inspired to launch HOW after many discussions in which students, faculty, and parents shared frustrations about sending and receiving information in the Hunter community.

Q. What are the rules for submission?

A. Submissions should be emailed by club leaders, faculty members, and others with relevant announcements about the next week’s activities by Saturday.

Q. What should be included?

  • Include all relevant information – who, what, where, when.
  • Announcements should be brief. You may also include a link to a website, an email address, or give another way for people to find out more.
  • You are welcome to suggest a category for your announcement.
  • Announcements should be edited! Send your information in a format that can simply be copied and pasted directly into the newsletter.
  • All submissions should pertain to the coming week.
  • Every club, department, term, organization, etc. should designate a member to send announcements to the HOW email address.
  • Here is an example:
Best Club Ever (name of club or organization)
Bake Sale! (what the event or announcement is)
Monday, June 1st -
4th, activities, and 5th period (date and time of event)
In the GO Foyer (location)
We are raising money to make our club even better! Baked goods will cost between 50 cents and 2 dollars. (brief description and any additional information or links you would like to include)
bestclubever@gmail.com (email contact for questions)

Q. Something is missing! Something was changed! Why wasn’t my event included?

A. Perhaps the information was incomplete or needed clarification. Please email HunterOnlineWeekly@gmail.com if you have additional questions.